

Wirelessly recharging batteries that recharge constantly with ultra-low voltage.

Company Details

Toruń, Poland
USD $1M-$5M

Management Team

Łukasz Cejrowski avatar

Łukasz Cejrowski

CEO and Co-founder

Rafał Jakubowski, PhD avatar

Rafał Jakubowski, PhD

CTO and Co-founder

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About Waven

The problem we're solving:

Currently used batteries, disposable or rechargeable, have no self-healing mechanism, experience self-discharge over the time, and after use end up as toxic waste. Disposed batteries are worldwide a growing toxic waste.

Our solution:

Wirelessly recharging batteries that recharge constantly with ultra-low voltage. Waven batteries do not need to be replaced so frequently and won’t end up being thrown away, decreasing toxic waste.

Our differentiator:

  1. Waven batteries do not discharge as quickly as competition, have self healing capabilities and do not require as frequent replacement.

  2. Waven batteries can be recharges wirelessly which is great advantage for one and industrial applications.

  3. Waven batteries are designed to have a price of rechargeable batteries with additional benefits coming from wireless recharging and RF energy harvesting.

Our biggest achievement:

-Live with 3 customers, up to 20 in backlog. -6 energy companies as investors. -Proven that groundbreaking technology developed during MIT post doc can -be deployed on the field.

Information for this page was sourced directly from the startups or found in publicly available databases. The data has been collected until the end of the programme's year (eg: A 2020 programme has data updated until December 2020) except for where explicitly said so. The data on co-founders is collected upon startup registration and is not further updated. Funds raised is comprised of direct investments (including crowdfunding), funds, and grants. Opinions, conclusions and views expressed in the startup page are solely personal to the author (startup), unless otherwise clearly stated.