

Training platform with AI, drives social and technological impact

Company Details

Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
USD $101k-$500k

Management Team

Gabriella Ribeiro avatar

Gabriella Ribeiro


Juliana Bortolo avatar

Juliana Bortolo


Loredana Sarcinella avatar

Loredana Sarcinella


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About Télos

The problem we're solving:

The problem identified by Télos is the inequality of learning and professional development opportunities, especially for sub-presented groups, in a job market that does not fully take advantage of the potential of artificial intelligence to customize and improve training. In addition, many companies have difficulty integrating advanced technologies and properly training their employees, resulting in skill gaps and lack of innovation.

Our solution:

Télos is developing a training platform driven by artificial intelligence, which aims to catalyze the social and technological impact, offering personalized learning, mentoring and growth opportunities for individuals and organizations. The solution combines adaptive content, work simulations and human interactions to create an effective and engaging learning experience.

Our differentiator:

Télos is differentiated by the holistic and personalized approach to learning, combining artificial intelligence, work simulations and human interactions to offer a unique training experience. In addition, its focus on catalyzing the social and technological impact makes it innovative and aligned with the current needs of the market and society.

Our biggest achievement:

MVP took place in September 2022 First Class happened in March 2023 with 80% finished and 70% being hired First client Enterprise with validated poc using AI happened in May 2024 Programming Capture and Exclusive Data for Young Black Yours began in May 2024