

Drones agtech in pest control and seed dispersion in forests

Company Details

Ribeirão Preto , Brazil
USD $10K-$100K

Management Team

Ricardo Patrizi Scarpari avatar

Ricardo Patrizi Scarpari

Gerente de Novos Projetos

    Luis Gustavo Silva Scarpari avatar

    Luis Gustavo Silva Scarpari


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    About Sardrones

    The problem we're solving:

    Lack of labor to dispersion of biological agents to control agricultural pests and difficulty dispersing seeds to repopulate native species in forests

    Our solution:

    We have developed dispensers who are embarked on agricultural drones that take the task and replace human action, allowing these workers to assume much less exhaustive and dangerous work. In addition to the drone enables pest control and seed dispersal in hard -to -reach areas, such as closed forests, listed sugarcane fields, very decline areas, etc.

    Our differentiator:

    We develop our own dispensers, have freelancers trained at ITA, an employee of Embraer, partnerships such as Esalq-USP and Senai for this type of development and great access to the market due to my 15 years of multinationals.

    Our biggest achievement:

    We can develop our equipment internally, close contracts with leading companies in the sector such as Raizen, BPBunge, Jalles Machado, all with publicly traded in the stock market, to leave important media such as Forbes, Jornal Nacional, attend important meetings such as a World Bank forum, Winning recognition awards such as the startup of the future of Sebrae, 1st Lugar in Agrobrasilia, ES Hub Award at the Pulse da Raizen, Finalist of Agrust of Gov. de SP and we are among the finalists of the insper José Eduardo Ermírio de Moraes Award
    Information for this page was sourced directly from the startups or found in publicly available databases. The data has been collected until the end of the programme's year (eg: A 2020 programme has data updated until December 2020) except for where explicitly said so. The data on co-founders is collected upon startup registration and is not further updated. Funds raised is comprised of direct investments (including crowdfunding), funds, and grants. Opinions, conclusions and views expressed in the startup page are solely personal to the author (startup), unless otherwise clearly stated.