Naked Energy

Naked Energy

Providing a revolutionary hybrid solar panel that generates both electricity and heat for commercial and industrial applications.

Company Details

Crawley, United Kingdom
USD $5M+

Management Team

Christophe Williams avatar

Christophe Williams

Co-Founder and CEO

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About Naked Energy

The problem we're solving:

Heating and cooling presents one of the key challenges for businesses committed to reducing their carbon footprint.

Our solution:

Naked Energy has developed VirtuPVT, a hybrid solar technology that generates both heat and power resulting in a higher energy density than alternative solar technologies. VirtuPVT can deliver a peak efficiency of 80%, converting 20% of the sun’s energy to electricity and 60% as heat. VirtuHOT is a complementary high temperature thermal only collector.

Our differentiator:

Naked Energy opened in June 2022 its Series B funding round - targeting £10m+ to meet increased demand for green energy globally. The UK start-up has partnered with ELM Companies to take its Virtu solar thermal technology to the US and beyond.