

AI Co-driver for Next-gen Electric Mobility - EV battery health prediction, safety, and performance optimization. Targeting to empower 1 Million EVs.

Company Details

Singapore, Singapore
USD $1M-$5M

Management Team

Sumanta Bose avatar

Sumanta Bose


Naina Gupta avatar

Naina Gupta


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About Datakrew

The problem we're solving:

Datakrew is tackling major challenges in the electric vehicle (EV) industry. Currently, commercial vehicle fleets are rapidly getting electrified across the world and transitioning from traditional vehicles to electric vehicles. But as the scale increases, they face challenges related to range and charge anxiety, unexpected EV breakdowns due to battery malfunctions, rapid battery ageing causing asset depreciation, and unknown used battery values for 2nd life usage.

Our solution:

We solve these challenges though our AI co-driver technology, which is an automated assistance technology to optimise the charging schedules for “just-in-time” charging, ensuring near zero downtime, maximising asset lifespan, and maximising 2nd life resale value. We enable a data-driven approach to extend vehicle lifespan by 20%, enhance battery safety by 50%, and increase asset resale value by 10% through timely AI-based optimization via alerts, warnings, and recommendations.

Our differentiator:

We set ourselves apart with our 360° EV Intelligence solution that is both OEM-agnostic and plug-and-play, making it compatible with any EV brand or model. In comparison to our competitors, we have differentiated technical USPs including our patented technology like distributed AI across EVs, OEM agnostic battery model libraries, and post-quantum enabled EV-to-cloud data security. We already have a US patent, and two more patents in review.

Our biggest achievement:

In the last 6 months, we’ve grown from (10 logos, 6 countries, 549 EVs, $233k ARR) to (14 logos, 7 countries, 1000 EVs, $410k ARR). We've implemented a Generative AI framework on our domain AI models for EVs. Customers can use an LLM interface to ask deep domain-specific questions that interact with relevant structured and contextualized data in our EV data intelligence engine; and it generates a human-understandable output in the form of text, tables, and charts.