3 Elementus

3 Elementus

Cleantech platform that connects decabonization solutions for companies

Company Details

Manaus, Brazil

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About 3 Elementus

The problem we're solving:

Companies needing to implement environmental responsibility programs often are unaware that the process begins with a decarbonization strategy. Additionally, companies struggle to find a solution that effectively and easily addresses their environmental agenda needs

Our solution:

A platform that performs diagnostics and proposes a decarbonization strategy for companies, with the possibility of connecting partner solutions to boost the journey towards carbon neutrality.

Our differentiator:

The founder has been working in the field of atmospheric emissions for 7 years, implementing emission control and reduction projects for major companies like Petrobras and 3R Petroleum. Currently, the platform is in the development stage. However, the idea has been validated through the joint construction of decarbonization strategies for these companies, which need to invest in solutions that contribute to their climate agendas. The goal of 3 Elementus is to facilitate the journey

Our biggest achievement:

The major achievements of 3 Elementus include initiating factory operations in 2020, producing and distributing our own brand of ARLA 32, a decarbonization agent for the logistics sector. This product will be available on our decarbonization solutions platform. Currently, we have over 100 clients in the Amazonas and Roraima regions, distributing over 1 million liters and positively impacting the environment by reducing more than 150,000 tons of GHG emissions. Our annual revenue exceeds R$ 1.9M.