Over the last 50 years we added 500ZJ excess energy on the planet, likely to rise beyond 1,000ZJ by the time we get to NetZero. This energy is mainly stored in one medium, water. WaterWattS mission is to identify a highly scaleable, aqueous heat to hydrogen conversion pathway to be delivered by large warm currents, such as the Gulf stream. This very unusual use case requires a different mind-set with regard to energy. We have too much and need to find a path to onvert thermal to chemical energy, which will support CDR activities (in a symbiosis with the H2 system), which in return supply the carbon backbone for hydrocarbons to be produced via well known pathways. This will be used to cover global demand but then the majority via reversed upstream operations pumped back to fossile fuel storage locations in return for Carbon Credits. This is the reversal of the path we have been on and it all relies on controlling the heat to hydrogen mechansim (which is the IP under development), currently aiming at TRL3.
The Solution:
At the center: a scalable cooling solution for the oceans. Water holds more than 90% of climate change excess energy, 500ZJ so far. 800 years' worth of global primary energy demand. With the power of innovative technology, we harvest the energy to Reverse.