Startup Profile

Vortex Biotech

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

VORTEX has developed solutions to effectively and economically disinfect the air we breathe when we are indoors through our patented UV-C module

The Problem:

VORTEX has developed solutions to effectively and economically disinfect the air we breathe when we are indoors through our patented UV-C module

The Solution:

VORTEX has developed solutions to effectively and economically disinfect the air we breathe when we are indoors through our patented UV-C module

The Differentiator:

No power consumtion, Eco-friendly and Environmental-Friendly, Easy to Set-up, non dangerous technology, no manteinance, invisible, effective (with validation third party test).

Biggest Achievement:

Programme themes:

Road to ZeroGreen MovementLife Essentials

Team members:

Mattia Nuti


Giusy Colarusso